Конспекти відкритих уроків

Відкритий урок вчителя Хоменко Н.Б.
8 клас
За підручником А Несвіт
Тема: “At the map of Ukraine”.
Мета:   – активізувати вживання ЛО теми в мовленні учнів;
             – практикувати учнів робити самостійні висловлювання на основі раніше
                вивченого матеріалу;
              – удосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного
              – розвивати навички аудіювання, читання, письма;
              – виховувати відчуття патріотизму до рідної країни, інтерес до     вивчення іноземної мови.
Обладнання:  презентації, підручник, словник, довідник.
Тип уроку:  мовленнєвий
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іноземного мовлення
   1. Привітання
 Dear pupils, today we are having an unusual lesson, we are having guests. I believe that you will do your best. The theme of our lesson is “At the map of Ukraine”.
(File 2)
At the lesson you will:
Ø  Revise/recollect the words and expressions on the theme.
Ø  Listen, read and speak about the geographical position, climate and population of our country.
Ø  Practice to use present Simple and past simple passive Voice
Ø  Summarize your knowledge about Ukraine for writing a letter about your country to your pen-friend.
T. What associations do you have with the word UKRAINE according to the theme of our lesson? Let’s make a mind map.
    - rivers
    - seas
    - lakes
    - mountains
    - borders
    - capital
    - population
    - territory
    - symbols
    - capital
T. This map shows us the subtopics of our lesson. But first let’s pronounce the following geographical names in chain. (File 3)
Russia ['rʌʃə]
Belarus [ˌbelə'rus]
Moldova [mɔl'dəuvə]
Slovakia [slə'vækɪə]
Hungary  ['hʌŋgərɪ]
Poland ['pəulənd]
Romania [ru'meɪnɪə]
the Carpathian [kɑː'peɪθɪənz] Mountains
the Crimean
[kraɪ'miːən] Mountains
the Dnieper ['dniːpə]
the Dniester [ dnɪ'estə]
the Bug [buːg]
the Donets [dɔ'nets]
the Danube ['dænjuːb]
Переключення на іншу програму.
T. And now look at the board and let’s match these definitions to the following words.
Pupils read the definitions one by one and match the given words to them.


a piece of land surrounded by water
a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level; a large steep hill

all the inhabitants of a particular place

an area, especially part of a country

a line separating two countries, administrative divisions, or other areas

a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory

an area of land under the jurisdiction of a ruler or state
any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica)

the city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative centre of a country or region
a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place


a piece of land that is bordered by water on three sides but connected to mainland

a narrow passage of water connecting two seas or two other large areas of water

Let’s complicate this task: tell the definitions to these words.
Переключення на програму Power Point
ІІ.Grammar: T. In order to use correct forms of the verbs we’ll now revise some grammar structures of the Passive Voice. On the board you can see the general scheme of its formation.

to      be       V3

am                                                                  was
is                   V3                                                                                                                            V3
are                                                                  were

Form the schemes of the Present Simple Passive and the scheme of the Past Simple Passive. Let’s see if they are right.
Now in your home texts about Ukraine find the forms of the verbs in these tenses.
PP.      is situated                               are characterized                   is called
            is washed by                          is observed                             was proclaimed
III. Find Card 1 on your desks. You have 5 minutes to do the grammar task. One of you will do the grammar exercise on the board. (File 4)
For a pupil at the desk:
Put the verbs in brackets into the Present indefinite Passive and Past Simple Passive
1.     Potato _______________ (to eat) everywhere in the world.
2.     Ukrainian borsch _______________ (to cook) in every family in Ukraine.
3.     This composition _________________ (to write) by my classmate last week.
4.     Ukrainian songs _________________ (to love) by many people.
5.     The pupils of my class ______________________ (to give) good marks on Thursday.

For other pupils:
Card 1
Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite Passive and Past Simple Passive

1.     Medicines __________ (to give) to the patient three times a day.
2.     This house ___________ (to build) in 1998.
3.     Mother’s note _____________ (to give) to the teacher yesterday.
4.     Boiled potato ____________ (to cook) in a pot.
5.     The patient ___________ (to ask) some questions two days ago.

IV. Speaking:
a)     Pair work
T: I think you are ready now to talk about Ukraine. Imagine that you are now the guests in one of the British schools and the geography teacher asks you to answer her pupils’ questions about Ukraine. You can find these questions in Card 2 on your desks. Put questions to your desk mate and answer them in turn.
(File 5)
Card 2
Role-play the situations in pairs. You are in one of the British schools. The British teacher of Geography wants his/her pupils to know more about Ukraine. Answer his/her questions
1.  Where is Ukraine situated?
2.  What can you say about its geographical position?
3.  Which countries does it border on?
4.  What seas is Ukraine washed by?
5.  What part of Ukraine is occupied by the mountains?
6.  What are the tops of high mountains usually covered with?
7.  What nationalities is your country inhabited with?
8.  Which sea is the southern part of Ukraine washed by?
9.     What languages are spoken in Ukraine?

Presentation “Ukraine”: (File 6)
T: And now it’s time to sum up your knowledge on our topic. Look at the board and watch the presentation. Add the information to it. (File 5)
Now I want to know what have you learnt on our topic. Find on your desks the cards which are called “Now I can”
(File 7)
Tick the points you have leant and can do. Please, do it quickly and pass them to me.
Write down your homework for the next lesson. (File 8)
Write a letter to your pen-friend about Ukraine.
**Find new information about Ukraine.
At the end of our lesson I want you to watch a wonderful film about our Ukraine. Your task is to listen attentively and say what other topics are mentioned in this film.
Video “Welcome to Ukraine”
Possible answers:
We haven’t talk about: the history of Ukraine,
its places of interest,
its traditions,
its architecture.
After watching this film I have the following words in my mind:
We live in Ukraine and we love our native land and we are the patriots of our Motherland.
Do you agree with me?
Thank you very much for your work. You will see your marks for your grammar task and your answers at the lesson in “Shchodennyk.ua” today.

Презентація до уроку:

Конспект відкритого уроку 6 клас 

Тема уроку: Shops and Shopping

Рівень: Intermediate

Мета уроку:
Практична:Повторити та активізувати лексичні одиниці, граматичні структури, практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Магазини і покупки», вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного і монологічного мовлення; 

Розвиваюча:розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією; ефективно співпрацювати під час парної роботи.
Виховна:Виховувати культуру спілкування в діалогах, навчати правилам поведінки в життєвих ситуаціях.
Обладнання: Муляжі та предмети харчування, предмети одягу, роздавальний дидактичний матеріал (картки №1, 2, 3), постери The USA Money”, “The British Money”, ноутбук, відео записи.

1. Привітання. Організаційний момент.

2. Мовленнєва зарядка: повторення лексичного матеріалу з теми.

3. Основна частина:

а) складання фраз;

б) бесіда з учнями про українські гроші (відповіді на питання);

в) доповіді учнів про гроші США та Великої Британії;

г) робота в парах (складання діалогів);

д) практика діалогічного мовлення (складання діалогів, сюжетна гра «У магазині»);

є) аудіювання тексту (виконання завдання по картці, відповіді на питання);

4. Повідомлення домашнього завдання.

5. Підведення підсумків уроку.

Хід уроку:

1.    Організаційний момент:
T. Hello, pupils. Now it’s time to start our lesson

PP: Greeting:Now it’s time to say hello, say hello. Now it’s time to say hello, hello everyone.

T. Today we’ll continue to work on the topic “Shops and Shopping”. We’ll recollect the words and expressions, practise speaking, make up and act dialogues and develop your reading and listening skills.
2.    Мовленнєва зарядка.

Повторення і активізація лексичного матеріалу: Watching presentation

T. Now watch the pictures, name the shops and say what we can buy there. Let’s start.

1. Baker’s. We can buy bread and rolls there.
2. Butcher’s. We can buy meat there.

3. Newsagent’s. We can buy newspapers, magazines and postcards there

4. Greengrocer’s. We can buy fruits and vegetables there.

5. Chemist’s. We can buy medicine there.

6. Sweet Shop. You can buy sweets, biscuits, chocolate and cakes there.
7. Toys Shop. You can buy toys there.

8. Dairy Shop. We can buy milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt there.

9. Supermarket. We can buy many things we need there.

10. Department Store. We can buy clothes, hats, shoes, things for home and many other things there.

3. Основна частина уроку:

1)    Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
T. And now let’s listen to the short story about one of the famous London’s department stores. It is Harrods Department Store.

а) Pre-listening activity:
T. Before listening answer my question, please. What kind of shop is a department store?
PP. A department store is a shop with many departments. We can buy a lot of things we need.

Text: This is Harrods, probably the most famous store in Britain. In 1834 Charles Henry Harrod started a small business as a grocer in the East End of London.Today Harrods store has three hundred departments on 7 floors and over 3 thousand staff. About thirty-five thousand people shop here every day.Post-listening: Find the cards with Task 2 on your desks and do it.

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1.    What is one of the most famous store in Britain?
a)    “Tesco” store       b) “Harrods” store           c) “Sainsbury’s” store
2.    How many departments are there in Harrods store?
a)    100            b) 200                   c) 300
3.    How many floors does it have?
a)    7                b) 5                       c) 3
2) Making phrases.
T. Fine. And now let’s make phrases. Look at the board. You can see two columns of words. Match the words from one column to the words from the other one.

a packet
a loaf
a bottle
a kilo
a tin
a jar
a carton
a bar
a bag

3) Короткі повідомлення. Розвиток монологічного мовлення.
T. – Well done. And now tell me, please, what do we need to do shopping?
Yes, that’s right. When we buy things we use money. In Ukraine we use Ukrainian money. What are they?

P1. – In Ukraine people use hryvnias and kopiykas.
T. What kopiykas do we use? We use 1 kopiyka, 2 kopiykas, 5 kopiykas, 10 kopiykas, 25 kopiykas and 50 kopiykas coins. There are also one hryvnia, two hryvnias coins.

T. What form do they have?

PP. All the coins are round.

T. And what banknotes do we use?

P1. The Ukrainians use 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100, 200 and 500- hryvnias banknotes. Every coin has an emblem and every bank note has a portrait of a famous Ukrainian person on it.

T.What money of other countries do we also use in Ukraine?

P2.We use the USA money.
T. – Babych Yaroslav prepared a report about the USA money.
P3In the USA people use dollars and cents. Each coin has its name. A one cent coin is called a penny. A 5 cents coin is called a nickel. A 10 cents coin is called a dime. A 25 cents coin is a quarter. There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100-dollar banknotes in the USA. You can see a portrait of an American president on one side and a picture of a famous building on the other.

T. Good report. You get _____ for it.   We learn English. It is the state language of Great Britain. So we must know the money of this country. Savytska Masha prepared a report for you about the British money.
P4 – In Great Britain people use pounds and pence. The coins are 1 penny, 2 pence, 5 pence, 10 pence, 20 pence and 50 pence. There are also the one pound coin and the two pound coin. The coins are round. But two coins have got seven sides. The little coin with seven sides is the 20 pence coin and the big one with seven sides is the 50 pence coin. There is a portrait of the British Queen on every coin. There are 5, 20, and 50-pounds banknotes in the UK.
4) Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення.
T. – Tell me, please, do you help your parents to do shopping? Now we’ll practice to make dialogues. You’ll work in pairs. Find the packets with Task 1 on your desks. Your task is to put the dialogues in the correct order. Your task is to make dialogues. And don’t forget that shop-assistants and customers must be polite and treat each other with respect.
 Dialogue 1  At the Greengrocer’s

o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. I need some potatoes.
o   How many would you like?
o   I want two kilos, please.
o   Here you are. Do you want anything else?
o   Yes, one kilo of onions, please.
o   Here you are. That’s 40 hryvnias.
o   Here’s the money, thank you.
o   And here’s your 10 hryvnias change.
 Dialogue 2  At the Toy Shop

o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. Can I see that toy-bear?
o   Here you are. It’s very nice. Anything else?
o   Can you show me that dog, please?
o   This one?
o   No, the grey one.
o   Here you are.
o   How much are they?
o   The bear is 90 hryvnias, the dog costs 100 hryvnias. That will be 190 hryvnias.
o   Would you pack them, please? Here’s the money.
o   Here you are. Thank you.
    Dialogue 3:           At the Clothes Shop
o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. Could you show me one of those T-shirts?
o   Certainly. What’s your size?
o   44, please.
o   Here’s one.
o   How much is it?
o   150 hryvnias.
o   Here’s 200 hryvnias.
o   And here’s your T-shirt and 50 hryvnias change.
o   Thank you.
Dialogue 4            At the Dairy
o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. Is there any milk in packets?
o   Yes, a litre packet costs 24 hryvnias.
o   One packet, please.
o   Here you are. Anything else?
o   Yes, a pack of butter, please.
o   Here you are. That’s 76 hryvnias. Anything else?
o   That’s all. How much will it be?
o   That’s 100 hryvnias.
o   Here’s the money
o   Thank you.
Dialogue 5            At the Hats Shop
o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, Please. I want to buy a hat.
o   What size do you wear?
o   My size is 57.
o   What colour  do you want?
o   I like that black one.
o   Try it on.
o   Oh, it’s nice. I’ll take it. How much is it?
o   150 hryvnias.
o   Here’s the money.
o   Thanks.
 Dialogue 6            At the Supermarket

o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. I need a pen.
o   Will you choose one?
o   This one, please.
o   Here you are. It costs 6 hryvnias. Anything else?
o   Yes, I want to buy a box of coloured pencils for my little brother.
o   Here you are. That’s 25 hryvnias.
o   How much to pay for all?
o   That’s 31 hryvnias.
o   Here’s 50 hryvnias.
o   And here’s your19 hryvnias change.
Dialogue 7   At the Greengrocer’s

o   Can I help you?
o   Yes, please. I want to buy a kilo of carrots.
o   Here you are. That’s 15 hryvnias. Anything else?
o   No, thank you. Here’s 20 hryvnias.
o   And here’s 5 hryvnias change.
 T. And now let’s read some dialogues.Your next task will be to act these dialogues. Get ready.

4.    **** Граматична вправа.
T – Now look at the board. You can see a sentence which has 5 mistakes. Let’s correct them and comment on them:
We pay many maney for this shoes too years ago.

(We paid much money for these shoes two years ago).

(Pupils correct mistakes and explain the rules)

5.    Пояснення домашнього завдання.Open your daybooks and write down your home task. Make up a dialogue about your shopping. Buy at least two things.

6.    Підведення підсумків.

T - I think that we’ve done a lot at our lesson today. You’ve made dialogues, practiced your reading and listening skills. You’ve done a great job today. And we have some minutes to relax. Watch, listen and sing a very nice song about shopping in a supermarket.

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